Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ) - Orchid Tissue Culture

Q1: I'm a beginner. How do I start with orchid tissue culture?

A: Gain a basic understanding of tissue culture, choose suitable explants, sterilize them, and then inoculate them onto the appropriate culture medium. Subsequently, follow proper procedures for transfer and maintenance at different stages.

Q2: What parts of the orchid can I use as explants?

A: Orchid flower stems, lateral buds, leaves, and stem tips are common choices for explants. The selection of explants can impact the outcomes of the culture, so choose carefully based on your goals.

Q3: How do I choose the right culture medium?

A: Commonly used media include Kyoto and MS+BA. The choice of medium depends on the specific objectives of the culture, such as inducing shoot buds or tubers or promoting mass proliferation.

Q4: How can I ensure consistent flower color traits in cultured orchids?

A: After proliferating the tubers to a certain quantity, transfer them to Kyoto culture medium for differentiation culture. This process helps in cultivating plants with consistent flower color traits.

Q5: How do I cultivate and manage orchids after tissue culture?

A: After transferring the seedlings to transparent and breathable plastic pots with sphagnum moss as the substrate, maintain suitable humidity and light conditions. Apply appropriate fungicides and growth regulators, regularly inspect and remove diseased leaves, and adjust watering and fertilization based on growth.

Q6: What is the maximum duration for tissue culture of orchids?

A: The entire process, from sowing to acclimatization, typically takes 5-6 months. The duration of each culture stage is influenced by various factors, including the choice of culture medium and the origin of explants.

Q7: How do I disinfect capsules and extract seeds?

A: Wipe capsules with 75% alcohol, disinfect with 0.1% HgCl2, rinse with sterile water, and then use a blade to carefully extract seeds. Place the seeds in a culture medium for sowing.

Q8: Where can I find more information on orchid tissue culture?

A: You can refer to relevant academic literature, botanical books, or visit professional botanical websites and forums. Authoritative sites such as Wikipedia and Google Scholar also provide valuable resources.

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